
setting up:)

2 more days :)


Anonymous said...

Sooo Yoskay... you're letting me buy those heads right? :)

Sun said...

wow looks cool. good luck for the big day :-)

beau b said...

Dinner last night was fun.

陽介 said...


Anonymous said...

Only a few hours away and your MASSIVE amount of hard work pays off! I really wish I could be there!

jemappellekat said...

^I'll be there for you...

mylan said...

yay this looks awesome!

mills said...

yoskay... your opening is happening right now and i wish i was there to celebrate it with you.

i was too busy getting away from the fire here in SB. we were just let back into our house a few hours ago.

hope it went well for you... congratulations.

akamon said...

Yoskay! have heard that your show was nothing less than amazing. = ))) of course, that's expected.

hope you had a great time yourself! really looking forward to seeing pics / videos, etc.. = )))

keep it up! congratulations again as well~~~~