

thanks to everyone who made it to the opening last saturday, especially the friends who drove from out of town.
i had an amazing time being able to share the night with you all.
and also thanks to those who have been helping me promote the show online.
i appreciate your love and support for my work.

khoi from arrested motion posted a nice review about my show on their site.

to see the opening night photos please visit arrestedmotion.com


ccins said...

thank you for the beautiful show. and thank you for the sketch!

Anonymous said...

Hey you know, your sculptures are kawaii, but as toys! Your paintings, they are awwwesome!

Heidi Alamanda said...

I saw the photos from your show. Oh my, your paintings are getting more and more beautiful. The expression, the colors, the composition....just stunning.
I enjoyed the video as well. I didn't know you are also a movie star now...haha.